Weekly Wrap


Week 4 – Term 2

As we come to the end of Week 4, I’d like to express my admiration and gratitude to our staff and students for undertaking the NAPLAN testing with great resilience and a growth mindset. Due to technical difficulties the decision was taken on Wednesday morning to revert to the paper testing and our staff and students adapted to the change with ease and optimism. Well done to everyone involved.

We have also been undertaking an audit of our facilities after which the Education Dept will create our Condition Assessment report. The details within this report help the Education Department ascertain what is required to keep our buildings and facilities in tip-top condition so I look forward to reading their findings in the coming weeks.

We have also received our School Review report. We undertook the Review with an external reviewer – Carol Every from  Valad Solutions- in Term One and our School Council, Leadership Team, staff and students will have an opportunity in the next few weeks to discuss the findings as we begin to complete our next 4 year Strategic Plan.

I was excited today to attend Orchard Grove Primary School’s assembly to award the winner of our Open Night Competition her prize, Charli G was very happy with her prize of a mini Sphero.

Our Outdoor Ed camp returns this evening and I know they have had a wonderful time.

Have a great weekend!

Nicky Buckingham