Weekly Wrap


Week 9 – Term 2

It’s been an exciting day at Forest Hill College today as we host the VICSRC Local Parliamentary Convention. Guest speakers, Mayor of Whitehorse, Cr Bill Bennet and Neil Angus, Member for Forest Hill opened the event before a lively debate between students from Forest Hill, Koonung SC, Highvale SC and Avila College on the topic of ‘Governments should do more in their capacity to hear student voice’ ensued. Our students excelled in this event proposing some key ideas for the betterment of our local area and the wider community. Our Leo’s club president, Chi Kiet was an inspiring speaker identifying moments in history when, had governments listened to student voice, tragic events may not have taken place.  In a first for Forest Hill our socials for the day have been managed by our students with Hayley and Rachel doing outstanding work live streaming parts of the debate on Facebook.  Why not go online and ‘Like’ our page so these two students can see how much we appreciate their efforts?

Our Year 9s have this week been undertaking the inaugural round of Morrisby career diagnostic testing. This is part of a state wide department initiative to provide high quality career profile testing to all Victorian students.  In addition to the test results, each Year 9 student will also be given a 30 minute 1:1 career counselling session by visiting CEAV counsellors in week 10.

What perfect timing when our curriculum expo evening will take place on Wednesday 24th July. Please see Compass for further details.

Finally can I please wish all our Later Years student heading off to Central Australia Camp a wonderful trip as they prepare to leave on Wednesday. These students will be away for 10 days exploring our wonderful country with a team of dedicated teachers who are sacrificing a week of the holidays to accompany them. I know that we all appreciate their work and look forward to seeing all campers, tired and happy in Term 3.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Nicky Buckingham