Weekly Wrap


Week 4, Term 1

Welcome to week 4

This week our staff commenced their 2020 Professional Development Plan. At FHC we focus on building staff capacity to deliver high quality teaching in the classroom. We base the focus of this work on high impact teaching strategies that have emerged from the findings of tens of thousands of studies on what has worked in classrooms across Australia and the world. The College is focussing a lot of attention in 2020 on what we call “meeting students at their point of need.” Consequently, staff will concentrate their attention through professional learning on differentiation strategies designed to cater for individual student need. All staff will conduct an action research project across 2020 on effective differentiation strategies, collecting evidence as they do of the impact this has had on student learning and how they have developed as a teacher. Our staff do this under the supervision and guidance of our Leading Teachers, Caitlin Martin, Xianjun Chen, Adrienne Baucke, Jesse Blowers, Russell Lee, Vernon Spokes and Glen Innes.

School Council Election

At the closing date for nominations to College Council, we received two nominations for the two vacant DET member positions. David Gill and Chris Grant have been elected unopposed. However, as you may be aware, we will be again having an election for the “Parent Member” category of Council. We are excited that there is such interest in joining the governing body of the school.

We received four nominations for the two vacant Parent Member positions. Those nominees are:

Greer Symons
Bronwyn Baker
Lyndell Fraser
Natalie Faulkner

Information about each candidate will be available by Monday 24 February. Ballot papers will be available from the General Office on Monday 24 February 2020, and the close of ballot will be Monday 2 March 2020.

For those unaware, the school council supports the principal to provide the b​​est possible educational outcomes for students.

School councils have three main responsibilities:

  1. Finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
  2. Strategic planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
  3. Policy development and review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.

Other key functions of school councils include:

·         raising funds for school related purposes

·         maintaining school grounds and facilities

·         entering into contracts

·         reporting annually to the school community and the Department

·         creating interest in the school in the wider community

·         representing and taking the views of the community into account

·         regulating and facilitating after-hours use of school premises and grounds

School Councillors are required to be members of sub committees of Council. For example, we have Parent members on Education Committee and Finance. The Finance subcommittee oversees the maintenance of the budgeting process, appropriate fiscal procedures and the Student Resource Package ( the pool of funds allocated to the College to run the school). Education Committee  is guided by the College Strategic Plan and our vision statement and values. The vision statement and values were developed by staff, students and parents for the commencement of the last Strategic Plan 4 years ago. A working party was established to consult with all stakeholders and refine their feedback to the position that we had a clear set of values and a vision. The Guiding Principles that underpin the Education Subcommittee are to create and maintain a learning community where:

·         Learning is seen as the central activity of both individuals and the community as a whole

·         All aspects and sectors of the community are dedicated to the promotion of lifelong learning

·         Consultation is a major feature of the organisational culture

·         Continuous improvement is built into the fabric of the school

·         A preventative, whole school approach is taken in relation to student wellbeing and engagement to ensure effective teaching and learning can take place.

The role of the Education Committee is to

·         Lead in the area of educational change

·         Ensure that students are at the centre of all decision making

·         Policy Formulation/Recommendations to the Principal and College Council

·         Recommendations to the Principal re:  Achieving the objectives of the College Strategic Plan/Annual Implementation Plan and related programs

For your reference, in the event that you are unsure, the Council Minutes are located in Compass under “School Documentation”.

The election period is between 24/3 and 2/3. To obtain a ballot paper, please come to the General Office.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) – payment arrangements for 2020

The CSEF program for 2020 is open for processing, to ensure all eligible students can participate in school trips and sporting activities. Payment amounts for 2020 of $225 for eligible secondary school students are now available. The payment is made directly to the school to be used towards camps, sports and excursion costs for the benefit of the student.

Families holding a valid means-tested concession cards for e.g. Veterans Affairs Gold Card, Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and Temporary Foster Parents are eligible to apply. A special consideration category also exists. CSEF payments to schools will commence from 2 March 2020, schools are able to continue processing applications through until the end of term two. Please contact us at the General Office with any enquiries.

Have a great weekend.

David Rogers – Principal